How To Know if Your Child Needs Early Orthodontic Treatment

How To Know if Your Child Needs Early Orthodontic Treatment


There isn’t a specific age at which children should start undergoing orthodontic treatment. However at around seven years old, your child will have grown out enough permanent teeth and the jaw is developed enough to tell if there are any current issues...or any on the horizon.

There are many benefits to getting orthodontic treatment as a child, including shorter treatment time, fewer impacted permanent teeth and reduced chance of needing to remove teeth because we:

  • Correct and guide the growth of your child's jaw to help the permanent teeth come in straight
  • Regulate the width of the upper and lower arches
  • Create more space for crowded teeth
  • Avoid the need for permanent tooth extractions later in life
  • Correct thumb sucking and help improve minor speech problems

Are there any signs I should look for?

Yes, definitely! Here are some of the signs to keep in mind:

  • Early or late loss of baby teeth
  • Difficulty chewing or biting into food
  • Grinding and/or clenching of teeth
  • Mouth breathing
  • Speech difficulties
  • Thumb or other finger sucking habit
  • Crowding, misplacement, or blocking of teeth
  • Jaw shifts or jaw noises like popping
  • Protruding of teeth
  • Biting the inside of his or her cheek
  • Teeth meet abnormally or do not meet at all
  • Jaw and teeth do not appear to be proportionate to the face

Keep in mind that these signs do not guarantee that your child needs treatment, but they may indicate that an orthodontic evaluation may be a good idea.

Do some of these signs look familiar to you?

Have no fear, your child will be in good hands! Dr. Romia Goff is a native from Jacksonville with a child of his own. With memberships to the American Association of OrthodontistsFlorida Association of OrthodontistsSouthern Association of Orthodontists, and American Dental Association, you can be sure he is up to date with the newest trends in orthodontics.

Think your child may need an orthodontic evaluation?

Give us a call and make an appointment for a consultation. We can be reached at (321) 241-0749. At Brilliant Smiles Orthodontics, early treatment can help give your child a healthy, beautiful smile for more self esteem as they go through their teenage years and through adulthood.

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